Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things I Won't Miss About Being Pregnant

Currently, Jeff and I are anticipating that there will be no more babies produced from the Barr-Brown Marriage Alliance. As a result, I have been trying to think of the things I will and will not miss about being pregnant, in order to fully appreciate the experience before it's over for good.

Things I Will Not Miss:
  1. Wearing the above red pregnancy coat
  2. Panicking every time I feel a sneeze coming on
  3. The nighttime heartburn that dictates sleeping sitting up
  4. Not being able to drink
  5. Having to watch every little thing I eat or else gain ten pounds in a week
  6. Feeling conspicuous out in public because of my huge gut
  7. Baby feet in my ribs
  8. Breathing like a fat guy
  9. The general, all-over bodily discomfort
  10. Not being able to pick up Rowan and carry him
Things I Will Miss:
  1. Having an excuse to not have to pick up Rowan and carry him
  2. Feeling the baby squirming around inside
  3. Having people ask how I'm doing and having them be all sympathetic and stuff
  4. Using exhaustion/nausea/impending birth as an excuse to skip exercise
  5. The improved complexion and hair
  6. Rowan blowing raspberries on, laughing at, and patting my huge gut (although theoretically, my stomach could still be this size after I leave the hospital)
  7. The excitement and anticipation of creating a new person for our family

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