Saturday, January 31, 2009

Proud Grandparents Much?

Here's Marmie and PaPa posing with their third granddaughter. They don't look too happy about the new addition, do they? I don't know what we would have done if they hadn't been able to come over and help us during this exciting time.

Mom was there with me and Jeff for the birth, just like she was for Rowan. Then, right before I due to start pushing, we got word from Emilee that Rowan was sick at school with a fever and she was going to pick him up and take him home. Which thank God Emilee was able to help us take Rowan to and from school yesterday – what a good friend!

And thank God also for PaPa, who was able to be at home and take care of Rowan in his time of need. They sat in front of the TV and watched some Yo Gabba Gabba and Sesame Street while I was here pushing out his new baby sister.

Thank you, my Support Team, for jumping in and helping – it was kind of a hectic afternoon, but I think we can agree it was all worth it when you look at that little apple-faced girl in the photo above!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Introducing Lydia Rose Brown

Lydia Rose Brown was born at 3:18 p.m., weighs 7 lbs., 14.5 oz., 21 inches long, curly black hair, and blue eyes. The delivery went smoothly and once Angela made it to 10cm, Lydia was out in about 10 minutes. Lydia has taken to eating quite well and is resting comfortably on Mommy. Both Mommy and Daddy are relieved that pregnancy and delivery is over and we can start being with our new little girl.

Smooth and Steady: Now with Updates!

Going on hour 3 since arrival and it's been pretty relaxing for me, the Birthing Command Center Commander. I've watched some ESPN, checked my Facebook page, and ate a bag of potato chips. It's not all fun and games though, I had to go back down to the van to get Angela's overnight bag for her fluffy white socks. The things I do for her.

Angela has been having contractions 3 minutes apart, and on a scale of one to ten, her pain level has been at two. They just upped her dosage of pitocin so maybe things will be getting more exciting soon. You can see that she's also been relaxing in front of her Mac and reading Go Fug Yourself.

11:45 Update: Angela can't decide if the labor is becoming more painful, or if she's just hungry.

1:00 Update: Breaking News! Angela's water has been broke, she's 4-5 cm dialated, and the contractions are becoming more painful.

2:40 Update: Epidural went in at 2:15 and relief is here. Angela was 8 cm at 2:15.

2:55 Update: And we've hit 10 cm. She's ready to come!

And So It Begins

Here's a photo prior to our departure this morning. As you can see, we're well prepared with our bags full of computers, cameras and chargers. As I type this from what I'm calling Birthing Command Center Alpha, we have full access to the internets. Angela is all hooked up to the machines that go BING. She was given her initial drip of pitocin at 9:00 and she should start feeling the magic happen within the hour. They will control the dose so she reaches 2-3 minute contractions. No telling yet when Tiberia will be arriving, but Angela is currently dilated 3cm, which is one more than she was on Monday.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Things Jeff Won't Miss About Being Pregnant

It seems there's undue focus on how Angela has been feeling and not enough about how I've been coping with the pregnancy. I've compiled a list of things I will and will not miss about these last 41 weeks.

Things I will not miss:
  • Sleeping next to a Vampire (Angela's propped up sleeping position)
  • Guilt associated with drinking delicious beer in her presence
  • Seeing Angela go through months of nausea
Things I will miss:
  • Automatic designated driver
  • Pregnant Mother Parking
  • Satisfying thump of a pregnant belly
  • Concrete evidence of my manliness
  • Leaving work for baby doctor appointments
  • Being able to use the name Tiberia
It's been rough on me for sure, but hopefully by this time tomorrow we'll be celebrating the arrival of our daughter and the beginning of our new life.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things I Won't Miss About Being Pregnant

Currently, Jeff and I are anticipating that there will be no more babies produced from the Barr-Brown Marriage Alliance. As a result, I have been trying to think of the things I will and will not miss about being pregnant, in order to fully appreciate the experience before it's over for good.

Things I Will Not Miss:
  1. Wearing the above red pregnancy coat
  2. Panicking every time I feel a sneeze coming on
  3. The nighttime heartburn that dictates sleeping sitting up
  4. Not being able to drink
  5. Having to watch every little thing I eat or else gain ten pounds in a week
  6. Feeling conspicuous out in public because of my huge gut
  7. Baby feet in my ribs
  8. Breathing like a fat guy
  9. The general, all-over bodily discomfort
  10. Not being able to pick up Rowan and carry him
Things I Will Miss:
  1. Having an excuse to not have to pick up Rowan and carry him
  2. Feeling the baby squirming around inside
  3. Having people ask how I'm doing and having them be all sympathetic and stuff
  4. Using exhaustion/nausea/impending birth as an excuse to skip exercise
  5. The improved complexion and hair
  6. Rowan blowing raspberries on, laughing at, and patting my huge gut (although theoretically, my stomach could still be this size after I leave the hospital)
  7. The excitement and anticipation of creating a new person for our family

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Record Setting Sled Run

We decided to try out our other hill for sledding today, with surprising results. The snow was just the right consistency for getting long sled runs with the saucer. Jeff was able to sled all the way down the hill and then continue on down into the drainage basin. He usually ended up in the actual concrete drainage ditch at the bottom, but in this recording, he biffed it before he got there.

I even went down the hill a couple of times myself. Have you ever seen a 9+ months pregnant lady sledding before? I'm sure it's hilarious. Jeff was a little concerned that I was doing this in my "delicate condition", but really, what's the worst that could have happened? I could have gone into labor?

Monday, January 26, 2009

This is the Recipe for a Long Life?

Region's oldest person, 110, dies
  • Don't drink
  • Don't eat chocolate
  • Don't eat hamburgers
  • Don't have kids
  • Work until you're 70
  • Live 50 years as a widow after your husband dies

This sure doesn't sound like a fun way to spend 110 years. No drinking and no chocolate? You've got to be kidding! I'd rather have 60 years full of martinis and Current's triple chocolate cake than 110 years without it. (I guess it's possible the old lady didn't necessarily like chocolate or alcohol, but then that just wouldn't make any sense.)

I can see working until you're 70 if you really enjoy your job. But come on, who enjoys working THAT much? Jeff and I are already planning ahead to when we can stop working for good someday.

And then, thinking about spending 50 years of my life without Jeff (or any other male companionship), and my whole life without Rowan (and soon, Tiberia)? Well, that's just downright depressing.

With my attitude, I guess I won't live to see 100, much less 110. But I'll have a lot more fun doing it.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Baby on the Loose

Rowan's recently had a nasty bout of diaper rash, so we've been having twice-daily sessions of "Naked Baby on the Loose" to try to help combat it. We always played this game after bathtime, but now it's gained even greater popularity, since it usually happens after every poopy diaper change. It is by far one of Rowan's favorite activities of the day, and he asks to do it often during the day, saying "Baby?", then gets upset when we say no.

In addition helping dry out the diaper-rash affected area, the benefits include non-stop fun for Rowan, exercise for Rowan, exercise for Mommy, and utilization of the downstairs floorplan as a racetrack.

I insisted that he keep his socks on, by the way, so his feet wouldn't get cold. Sometimes we're able to convince him to keep his t-shirt on, too, but not on the day this was recorded.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

40 Weeks Old

Despite initial indications of an early birth, we've made it all the way to Tiberia's official due date. I'm happy with this for several reasons: there's been more time to mentally prepare for the arrival, Tiberia's had more time to develop into a healthy baby, and Rowan's had more time to make fart noises on Angela's belly. Angela on the other hand wants Tiberia out NOW! It appears that the expectation of the early arrival has made it seem like we've been waiting on her for a long time. It won't be long now though, the birth will be sometime this week, even if she needs to be induced. We'll find out at Monday's appointment what the date might be.