Sunday, January 25, 2009

Baby on the Loose

Rowan's recently had a nasty bout of diaper rash, so we've been having twice-daily sessions of "Naked Baby on the Loose" to try to help combat it. We always played this game after bathtime, but now it's gained even greater popularity, since it usually happens after every poopy diaper change. It is by far one of Rowan's favorite activities of the day, and he asks to do it often during the day, saying "Baby?", then gets upset when we say no.

In addition helping dry out the diaper-rash affected area, the benefits include non-stop fun for Rowan, exercise for Rowan, exercise for Mommy, and utilization of the downstairs floorplan as a racetrack.

I insisted that he keep his socks on, by the way, so his feet wouldn't get cold. Sometimes we're able to convince him to keep his t-shirt on, too, but not on the day this was recorded.

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