Monday, February 9, 2009

Bathtime Lydia

One piece of advice we were provided was giving Lydia nighttime baths to keep her awake and extend her nighttime sleeping intervals. Other things that will prevent her naps are diaper changing, impending bowel movements, and feedings. We've found so far that this regimen is working as our earlier Twitter showed that Lydia slept for 7 hours straight last night! While this is probably an aberration, she has been sleeping quite well for us so far (knock knock). As many readers know, one of the primary stressors of a newborn is the potential ungodly sleeping schedule. I'm also guessing that we're supposed to get her up from her sleep to giver her another feeding, but she should be getting plenty during the day. Anybody who recommends otherwise is a heartless bastard. Hopefully she keeps this pattern up and Mommy and Daddy will be quite cheery with her the remainder of the day.

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