Jeff was also somewhat helpful during the birthin' on Friday. After they broke my water around 1, the contractions started getting really painful. I asked them to please send the drug lady in ASAP, but in the meantime, we had to think back to our Birthin' School training about how to manage the pain. As I was taking deep breaths, I was trying not to completely crush Jeff's hand. The Pain Management lady finally came, and was just about to start putting the line in my back when she was called away next door for some emergency intervention. I had to sit upright, very still, looking out the window, and once again, Jeff was able to step in and volunteer his hand for crushing duty.
After what seemed like forever, Pain Lady finished up my epidural and I was able to get some relief, but not as much or as quickly as we were expecting. Turns out, thanks to all the delays, I was already pretty well along by the time the drip started, and therefore the medicine wasn't going to fully "catch up" with the pain. It turned out to be fine – most of the pain was taken care of, and I was still able to feel and move my legs and was aware of other sensations during the birth that I hadn't experienced during Rowan's.
After we got settled in our recovery room, Jeff had to drive home to check in on Rowan, who was feeling mighty poorly. He came back to spend the night in the uncomfortable chair next to me and help with Lydia. Then on Saturday, Rowan's fever increased and he threw up, so Jeff had to take him to the doctor and ended up staying with our poor little guy (who has an ear infection) most of the day. Lydia and I had a very relaxing day of eating, sleeping and watching mass quantities of HGTV.

After spending another uncomfortable night in the chair, Jeff is more than ready to take me and our new little girl home where the beds are comfy and we can hang out with Rowan, who must be starting to forget he ever had a mommy.
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