Going on hour 3 since arrival and it's been pretty relaxing for me, the Birthing Command Center Commander. I've watched some ESPN, checked my Facebook page, and ate a bag of potato chips. It's not all fun and games though, I had to go back down to the van to get Angela's overnight bag for her fluffy white socks. The things I do for her.
Angela has been having contractions 3 minutes apart, and on a scale of one to ten, her pain level has been at two. They just upped her dosage of pitocin so maybe things will be getting more exciting soon. You can see that she's also been relaxing in front of her Mac and reading Go Fug Yourself.
11:45 Update: Angela can't decide if the labor is becoming more painful, or if she's just hungry.
1:00 Update: Breaking News! Angela's water has been broke, she's 4-5 cm dialated, and the contractions are becoming more painful.
2:40 Update: Epidural went in at 2:15 and relief is here. Angela was 8 cm at 2:15.
2:55 Update: And we've hit 10 cm. She's ready to come!
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